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Despite the differences between people I speak to, we’re all united by a love of this college, and o

Taking part in the Telephone Campaign has been a great experience. Speaking to people who graduated during the war, all the way up to people who graduated a couple of years ago, has given me an amazing picture of how College has changed and developed over time. It has truly made me appreciate the college and the friendly community spirit here even more, and excited to remain a part of it in the future. Despite the differences between people I speak to, we’re all united by a love of this college, and often the great experience that we’ve had here.

The biggest benefit I’ve gained personally from the campaign is the wonderful careers advice I’ve received. Speaking mainly to other lawyers, I’ve spoken to people who have used their degrees in a variety of ways: from going to the Bar, to running a water mill! Alumni have been exceptionally supportive, and been willing to talk to me on complex issues that concern me and my future career, such as the realities of being a woman in the law.

I have also become more aware of what the Trinity Hall Fund does through my training, making my support for the college even greater when I realised the extent of what they invest in for students! I was already incredibly passionate about access work in college, and have dedicated a lot of personal time to supporting the college in its access commitments. However, I have now developed an interest in even wider aspects of the Trinity Hall Fund, such as the John Collier fund, which will achieve massive amounts in providing financial support to students.

All due to alumni generosity to make sure all the students here have an amazing time at college, despite their personal situations.

Not only have I gained several skills from working for the college, getting more comfortable with making calls and starting those brilliant conversations, but I’ve also had great fun with my friends in the call room! The smiles on people’s faces when they’re having a great conversation makes the whole experience a positive one.

It can be tough sometimes, too. Occasionally I’ll come across somebody whose life has taken them in a direction that would really interest me to talk about, but when they pick up they can often be abrupt, and assume I almost want to trick them. The reality is I am genuinely interested, and just love to hear about people’s experiences. However, I am always perked up by the people who clearly genuinely want to speak to me to, and that I can have a laugh with. Thanks to everyone who has had a wonderful conversation with me. I hope I can do this again next year, too!

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