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It is the people, their experiences and stories that make this place so special.

Fully settled into the second half of this year's telethon I now feel like a seasoned caller and have got more than used to the idea of enjoying an engaging chat with our alumni and quiz them on their career and reminisce about their memories of College.

Calls have varied massively but every conversation has been enjoyable and it's been hugely satisfying knowing that the campaign does so much to help allow college to continue to offer the quality of education and experience it does to each and every student. I have also been able to keep my term-time room and have had the days free to revise for my upcoming finals of my Engineering degree as well as the mornings free to get out on the river ahead of the upcoming May Bumps campaign which is a huge added bonus of taking part in the Telethon.

These two activities have also formed the basis of my most enjoyable calls - upon seeing the words "Engineering" or "Rowing" in the little 'prospect bio' we see before each call attempt, my eyes light up! It's so great to chat to people who also did the things that have been such a huge part of my time at Trinity Hall and compare experiences - often with more similarities than differences! Be it sharing horror stories of 2nd year engineering exams or trading tales of bumps past, you cannot fail to appreciate the heritage of The Hall and the fact that it is the people and their experiences and stories that make this place so special.

I am very aware of the importance of the Trinity Hall Fund and have benefited from it through the availability of extra supervisions when I needed a bit of extra academic support and also an Aula Club grant towards the costs associated with rowing for the University in my 3rd year; I am therefore well placed to explain the fund and the projects it supports to the alumni I speak to and it has also been interesting to learn more about some of the other work that goes on behind the scenes to be able to talk with confidence about those aspects too.

I have had such a fantastic experience at Trinity Hall and I've been enjoying spending my evenings chatting to a huge variety of people but people who share at least that with me... oh and literally hundreds of answering machines!

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